Thursday, March 7, 2013

Success - What is it to you?

I was thinking about success this morning on the way to school.  Success means many different things.  Reaching a goal seems to be the most likely explanation of success.  Here is what someone else thinks:

Success for me is:  "The fact that you have achieved what you want and have been trying to do or get over a period of time."  Jeff Mtonga.

You may have already achieved success to some, just by beginning school.  The next step in your ladder of success is coming every day and finishing on time.  Ultimately, taking the state licensing test and passing is your final achievement in that small ladder.  Then, you go to a bigger challenge of building your business. 

Remember to reward yourself as you climb this ladder.  It isn't easy to make a commitment to yourself and keep it.  Especially when family and friends want you to do other things than come to school, do homework or study for a test.  You can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Stay focused, it's all about you right now. 

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