Tuesday, March 5, 2013

3 G's of Success Building Your Business

I found this great article in FirstChair.com  

"Have a good handshake, have a great smile and always have your business card with you no matter where you are going," says Peter G of Dennis Bernard.  "Introduce yourself to people everywhere you go and get yourself noticed.  you are entering the best industry in the work, an industry where we are rewarded on many levels for helping people look and feel great.  Enjoy your new career@

Peter G's three G's for success:

1.  Get Up:  You can't build your business sitting in the break room or just sitting in your chair.
2.  Get Out:  Meet people.  Pass out your cards while dining out, at the gym, or at the mall.
3.  Get Involved:  When you get involved with the community, the community will get involved with you.  Volunteer your time, do cut-a-thons, help out or teach others.

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