Thursday, February 21, 2013


Raphael Herron  with Mr. Haney looked like a million bucks in his suit as he receives his Pro Way Pin!!!

Zacharias White receives his diploma from Mr. Buggs

Craig Davis made a very impassioned speach about this last year and what it meant to him to have a home here at school and how supportive we are to our family.

Mr. Miles, funniest man at school, had some very heartfelt sentiments to share with us. And had us all in tears as he shared what Pro Way has meant to him.

 He was all smiles as he carried out his balloons.
and finally, Charles Hensley, whose mom made it in from Vegas, takes off his jacket for the last time.

WE will miss them all, but they have promised to come by now and then and bring their license's by when they pass the state certification test.
Good Luck to everyone from your other family.

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