Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday is finally here and it's raining ...AGAIN

It seems like every Friday, we get rain and more rain.  Although it seems to be a pain in the ....  let's think about what life is like without it.  We don't have water to grow food, wash out cars, and process all the manufacturing we do in this country.  SO, bring it on.  In August, we will be wishing for a good shower. 

Today, we started off the day with presentations:

Deon and Brian enjoying a presentation
Some of the audience had many comments to make and helpful suggestions.  There were a lot of really great ideas brought to think about for the future of your shop.  Each idea and plan is another step towards success.  It's good to think about how to finance your shop, how to promote it, how to maintain retention of your customers and what those steps will bring to your level of success in business.   Each of us have different ideas and thoughts, it's good to share. 

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