Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Image is everything..... How you are judged.

Charles Henson talks about his experience with test taking for the License

Sir Charles Henson came by today to tellt he class how his state licensing test went.  He had information he wanted to share with the upcoming seniors as they prepare for the test.  He took his time to stress how to dress for the test, and how carefully you have to plan so you are on time.  His client/model cancelled at the last minute, and put him into a jam, so he arrived about 5 minutes late.  Normally, the board will just tell lyou to reschedule, however,  they let him proceed.  He felt if he had not worn his jeans, but arrived in a nice button down shirt and slacks, he would have made a better impression.  He also mentioned that because he was late, they applied visual pressure on him to do better.  He also mentioned that another classmate who had arrived on time, in dress pants and shirt and tie was asked for a business card as he was leaving.  Just goes to show you, dress to impress.  As one of hte guys here said  "Fake it until you make it".

We will miss Charles, he leaves tonight to return to Las Vegas and his kids and mom.  Best wishes on your career.

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