Thursday, April 18, 2013

Can you be in your own way????

We all have habits, both good and bad. It just so happens that we typically focus on creating and developing good habits rather than fixing or eliminating the bad. Some could argue that we should focus on our strengths, which I don’t disagree with. However, ignoring self sabotaging habits won’t help you get ahead either. I would assert that a little tweaking of the good, the bad and the ugly is necessary if you want to hit your goals.
I’m no different. I’ve got bad habits that I must keep in check at all times. Some are work related and some are not (like speaking before thinking). If we don’t have a personal accountability person constantly helping us to dig into self and root out our bad habits, then the only person we have left to rely on is ourselves.
Here are 7 Habits That Could Be Hindering Your Success:
  1. Procrastination
  2. Lack of Focus
  3. Not Being Accountable
  4. Blaming Others
  5. Taking Short Cuts
  6. Lack of Education/Knowledge/Skill
  7. Lack of Confidence
This list is self-explanatory and I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. If you are even remotely human, you’ve experienced one or two of these a time or two. (or three or four) My point being is that only YOU can determine if these ‘bad’ or ‘non-productive’ habits are hindering your success. Without the right education, knowledge and skill you are severely limiting your upward mobility. A lack of confidence or timidness will leave an impression with guests that you don’t know what you are talking about. Blaming others over and over again for your circumstances is just simply childish and irresponsible. So how do you change or eliminate these habits?
  • Acknowledge the PROBLEM: the first step in change is acknowledging that something exists. Once you admit to yourself that you have work to do, you can then begin the improvement process. Look at the list and reflect on your daily interactions, actions and conversations. Do any of these resonate? Write them down. Is there something missing? Perhaps you’ve got another ‘bad’ habit that I left off the list. Write that down as well.
  • Acknowledge the COST: Now take a moment and write down what each habit is costing you. By cost I mean, what does it cause to happen. For example: Procrastination…costs time because you are left cramming at the last-minute. It costs well-being because you are stressed out with the looming deadline. It costs you patience. As the deadline draws near your patience gets shorter and shorter. It costs effectiveness. If you are always waiting until the last-minute then perhaps you are not giving your best work and effort to the task. Do this for each ‘bad’ habit. You’ll begin to see the…not-so-pretty picture these habits paint.
  • Acknowledge the WORK: Finally, with a clear picture of what you want to improve and the cost of repeating the behavior, you can now focus on the work that is to be done. You may choose to get a better calendar system and assign ‘due’ dates for all of your projects and tasks. You may need to apologize to your peers, boss or loved ones for placing blame on them for your inadequacies. It may be time to sign up and attend some additional education, or time to hire a personal coach/mentor. Whatever the ‘work’ is, write it down and start focusing on those activities, actions and conversations that eliminate or change your undesirable habits.
You have all the tools in the world available to help you succeed. It is your job to reach out and grab them. What habit or habits will you work to improve?
Milady. 2013

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