Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Image is everything..... How you are judged.

Charles Henson talks about his experience with test taking for the License

Sir Charles Henson came by today to tellt he class how his state licensing test went.  He had information he wanted to share with the upcoming seniors as they prepare for the test.  He took his time to stress how to dress for the test, and how carefully you have to plan so you are on time.  His client/model cancelled at the last minute, and put him into a jam, so he arrived about 5 minutes late.  Normally, the board will just tell lyou to reschedule, however,  they let him proceed.  He felt if he had not worn his jeans, but arrived in a nice button down shirt and slacks, he would have made a better impression.  He also mentioned that because he was late, they applied visual pressure on him to do better.  He also mentioned that another classmate who had arrived on time, in dress pants and shirt and tie was asked for a business card as he was leaving.  Just goes to show you, dress to impress.  As one of hte guys here said  "Fake it until you make it".

We will miss Charles, he leaves tonight to return to Las Vegas and his kids and mom.  Best wishes on your career.

Mr. and Mrs. Buggs at Retirement Party

Mr. Buggs has helped the senior students at Pro Way Hair School prepare for their state licensing test for years.  He had tried to retire some time ago, but we just couldn't let him do it.  This time, he insisted he had other things he wante to do.  Mr. Buggs is instrumental in Pro Way working with the Feed the Hungry program and a great man.  He has made all of us better for knowing him.  He will be missed by students and staff as well.  We love you, Mr. Buggs, it was truly "Retirement of a Legend."

Friday, April 26, 2013

85%- 15% Rule from Milady.

85% – 15% Rule

Did you know that there is a huge misconception in the beauty & wellness industry? It has been said that your success in the shop/salon will be based off your technical abilities. The truth is that 85% of your success will be based off your communication skills, your people skills, and the level of customer service that you provide to your clients. This 85% is what we refer to as your "Soft Skills". The remaining 15% is your technical abilities. So, how are you spending your time in school? While working in the Student Salon make certain you communicate effectively with your clients to discover their true needs and wants, show a sincere interest in helping them look and feel their very best and always think of ways to create a WOW experience for each and every customer.  They will come back if they are happy.

Two Weeks in a ROW!!! - Devin Bouey has done it again!!

Asd you can see, Devin was surprised too!!!  Mr. Haney picks the winners each week, the design was the killa winna!!

CUT OF THE WEEK - April 26, 2013

Devin does it again.   Check out his design with the star.  Congratulations on a cut well done.  You've got mad skills, Devin.

Mr. Buggs retires today.....

Our beloved Mr. Buggs is retiring today.  He is one of the main forces of the school and has been working with students in the final phase of preparing for the State License Test as they get to graduation.  He will definitely be missed and we send our love and blessing to him on this great occassion.
Mr. Buggs hands out diplomas to our recent graduates in April, 2013.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Where will my business come from?

Have you heard of the Pareto Principle? Named after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, it’s also known as the 80-20 rule, the law of the vital few and the principle of factor sparsity. It’s the idea that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

In business, it’s the origin of the idea that 80% of your sales come from 20% of your clients.

Thought for the day.. by Dr. Suess

Congratulations! Today is your day.
You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away!
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own.
And you know what you know. You are the guy who’ll decide where to go.
—Dr. Seuss, "Oh, the Places You'll Go!"

And here is how it goes.......

Artist: Hazy Sun

Please Share :)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Scholarship deadlines are approaching.....

If you want to aply for grants in the industry....the deadlines are approaching quickly.  Someof them as fast as the end of this month.  Please check the dates and get your essays into the proper websites.  Good luck

Some great cuts today for the CUT OF THE WEEK CONTEST.

here are some entries today:

This little man hates getting his hair cut every two weeks, but is learning to not squirm so much and not to cry.  He is growing up before our eyes.

Friday, April 19, 2013

A Friday entry for Cut of The Week:

Freshman Girls on the floor for a vision of what they will be doing soon.....

Look at what we did today on a rainy Friday!!!!

Mr. Haney checks over another haircut to make sure it's perfect!!!

It's a Rainy Day in Georgia..... let's see what's going on

Ms. Pitts gives DJ a Shampoo;
DJ Gbolahan adjusts his clippers:

Mr. Richardson gives Mr. Paige a cut and Mr. Shedrick watches to make sure it's done right!! 

Tips on becoming a successful barber....

Barbering Tips

John Zaremba
Make People Want to Be There
    • Greet everyone who enters the shop--new clients, old clients, everyone. Treat them as friends. If they're waiting, engage them in conversation.
      A great shop has barbers who perform a bit of informal comedy. Laughing and joking around with one another makes the day fly by, and it turns your shop into a fun and inviting place, not just a place to get a haircut.