Thursday, January 31, 2013

Freshman class gets to observe today

The Freshman class gets to observe Mr. Hensley cut on Michael Dixon, a member of the class. Mr. Mohammad looks on in his Morehouse sweatshirt to make sure he's doing it right.   Ever day, new techniques are building by observation. 

Latimere is at it again, check out his work with pencils to make the design show off!!! Freshman Tammi S. is loving this.

Working our way - old school today

Today, we're enjoying old school music like Smokie and Al Green, and Bill Withers.  Wow, let's go back, back, back the good old days.


Well, as you can see, I'm still learning how to make this work......

Only he who can see the invisible can do the impossible.
— Frank L. Gaines

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

It's Wonderful Wednesday - and Raining Cats and Dogs

Even though it's pouring outside, indoors, we still have customers coming to get their looks on.  They seem to all leave with smiles and good feelings about the services they receive.

Look who's cutting today.....  and every day.  I'm sure the toothpick helps balance the look.

Just remember:   Nothing is impossible, that actually spells I'M POSSIBLE.

Wednesday Madness

Today seems to be like a rainy mood settling all over us.  We have clients coming in even in spite of the heavy rain.  They seem to appreciate what we're doing for them and leave with smiles.  Thank goodness.  Each day we build a little more, get a little more experience, and grow a little more.  Bit by Bit we are getting there. 

Look who's working today:
Nothing like a happy customer!!!!!

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!
Audrey Hepburn

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Miss Tangi

Tangi runs the front desk, be good to her, she can keep your book busy with great clients.

Ms. Davis is here to talk today!!!

Ms. Davis spoke today to the class of intermediate and senior students about a single word:  PASSION.  She talked about her career and her goals to be the first Pro Way graduate to make a million dollars.  She shared with the classes her path to success and her professionalism which led her to become a partner in Pro Way School.  Finding your passion is the key to whether you make it in the business by showing your enthusiasm and becoming the best that you can every day.  Her message disclosed how to keep your attitudes up and positive; don't let anyone or anything take that away from you, regardless of the circumstances!  Remain Positive!!!!  Any time you get to listen to her talk about her path in the cosmetology/school business, it's definitely worth the time to hear.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Bronner Brothers shos is coming up

Remember, you will get credit hours for going, just keep your ticket and attend some of the free classes.  Check the book for the schedule to see what you are interested in .

No Snow today ......

Great day at the snow or ice (as they always promise) but plenty of cold weather.  Stay warm for the weekend, and see you on Tuesday.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Rafael Herron graduates!!!!

Rafael is finally leaving us because he finished the program today.  We will really miss his attitude, his style and his skills.  Mr. Beavers signs his graduation certificate... at 3:00 pm today.

Oh, WOW!!! The new Freshman Class is on it's way

The new class has worked so hard this week, they are ahead of the game.  So, they got to get services!!!

Mr. T - stylist to the stars comes to visit

Today,  Antonio White, known as Mr. T, Tonio White came to speak to all the barbers in training.  He began his career with Mr. Beavers and Mr. Haney way back in the day when they were just kids.  He has become one of the best known barbers in the movie and film industry in Atlanta and the southeast.  You can see his work on House of Payne, and What to Expect When Expecting (J Lo, etc), just to name a few.  He had a lot of tips of how to begin your business, and the different ways to promote yourself.  He mentioned that he began his search for career fame by doing competitions at the famous Bronner Brothers Hair Show.  That lead to him becoming a platform stylist and it just keeps growing.  he has become a celebrity in his own right.  It was great of him to come and share his knowledge with us and allow us to ask questions.  Thanks to Mr. Beavers and Mr. Haney for bringng him in.

It's just 9:00 am - Let's see what we can create today

Who is going to work magic today??

Thursday, January 24, 2013

It's gonna be a great day.  More guys are getting into cutting designs.  Look and see what Deon did..  tyring to give Latimere a run for the cash.

Mr. Buggs was here to hand out certificates for all the students who helped out at Feed the Hungry.  We make a big effort to support the needy in our community, and our students volunteer for this opportunity.  Mr. Buggs never likes to smile in a photo.... let's see if we can catch him in a smile next time.  Mr. B - we're looking for your smile.

Miss Pitts is showing how to do a comb twist to start braids..  she makes it look so easy.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

We are here today, getting ready for the weekend.....  lots of haircuts going on from the folks who live in the area getting their haircuts.  come and check us out.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Mr. Lattimere is at it again and again

Check out Today's cuts and carvings:  You just can't keep him from producing..... 


and everyone else is busy cutting too.....
look at these

Shave, Anyone????.....

There is more to being a barber than just cutting hair.  Learning to shave properly to keep the bumps down on the skin under the neck and on the cheeks is a big deal. No one likes to have that stuff on their face.  Preparing the face for a shave will help with this process.

Styles coming at you from Pro Way Hair School

Yesterday, we all enjoyed the inauguration of our 44th President.  Now is the time to get serious about making a difference...whether it's in your looks or your career.  Take a look at this design that one of our students did on Friday for the weekend. He's busy cutting and carving another one now. 

Friday, January 18, 2013 at Rockbridge

Today is Friday before Martin Luther King Jr Day.  We are all here and ready to cut hair.... come on it and get "done" for the holiday.  $2.00 for some of the best styles in DeKalb.  Take a look.....